viernes, 7 de julio de 2023


 Hi FauBloggers

Today I write about my experience whit my blog.  

I really enjoyed creating my blog, I think I enjoyed the topics and being able to address subjects of my interest or memories. To be honest, the only post that I didn't enjoy writing at all was "evaluate the BBC Learning English Website," although it was entertaining to explore the platform.

Among my favorite blogs from the course is Professor Simmon's blog. My favorite post is the one from April 14th, and I believe it's one of the posts I enjoyed the most. While searching for images, it brought back many beautiful and often forgotten memories.

Undoubtedly, these activities have improved my English to some extent, although there is still a lot to practice and refine. I feel that my reading comprehension has improved significantly, and I've expanded my vocabulary. I've also improved a bit in dealing with the frustration of not being able to express my ideas in a language that sometimes makes me feel quite alien. However, the classroom environment motivates me to continue learning and absorbing this useful knowledge.

I really liked the blogging experience, which I hadn't really had before. It allowed me to express myself freely and touch on topics I enjoy. Reading my classmates' blogs and finding similarities was amusing. It was funny to discover that two of my classmates shared the same fondness for Courage the Cowardly Dog. I would have liked to feel more comfortable with my vocabulary knowledge, but I believe that time will integrate it more and more.

Fortunately, I didn't have to write about my speaking experience because... disappointment, haha!


Hi bloggersFau! today 


Unit 11: Session 3, Activity 3: Pronunciation Workout

To talk about life using the present perfect, try out this pronunciation workout where you get to listen and repeat some key words and phrases.

Listen to the audio.

This is a pronunciation activity where you warm up by practicing "has" or "have" using an audio exercise.


Unit 24: Session 2, Activity 3: 6-Minute Grammar

In this activity, they explain in 6 minutes, through a podcast-style conversation, what it is, how to use it, and...


Introduction to the Sounds of English: 5 Days to Improve Your Speaking - Day 2: Vocabulary


6-Minute English: How Culture Affects Sadness

In this podcast-style audio, the hosts discuss and bring up an important topic, providing a wide range of vocabulary, which is further explained in detail.


Fake News, Facts and Fiction: Session 3, Activity 1: The Danger of Fake News

I find this episode very interesting.

In this episode, we examine the word 'information' and hear some examples of when fake news has had tragic consequences.

viernes, 30 de junio de 2023

Childhood TVShow

Hi BloggersFau!

     Today I will write about a television show that I enjoyed a lot during my childhood.

    "Courage the Cowardly Dog" was definitely one of the animations that I really liked and still hold as one of my favorites to this day. It’s worth mentioning that I’ve a great fondness for animations, even "children's" ones, but today I will elaborate on this particular animation.

    Courage, the protagonist of the series, is a pink dog who was abandoned in his infancy. He’s timid and very, very fearful. He has a strong bond with his caretaker Muriel and a somewhat tumultuous relationship with her husband, Justo. Thus, he lives with this dysfunctional elderly couple in the middle of "nowhere" and dedicates himself to protecting them from paranormal and even alien situations they encounter.

    I loved this series so much, both for its dark aesthetic in the design of its characters and the situations they had to face. I feel that it somehow absorbed me, and I really enjoyed that feeling of discomfort, fear, and suspense.

    At this moment, I’ve resumed watching the series in order, and upon revisiting it, I have realized that I am a fan of the character Courage. Often, I feel a reflection of myself or even valuable lessons, so to speak, because this kind-hearted little dog, despite his nervousness and the fear that overwhelms him, manages to confront experiences and care for those he considers family, and often even characters who initially frightened him. I loved those twists in his stories. What is truly bad? Is what scares us really evil? These are questions that come to mind when remembering his episodes and adventures. I genuinely feel that Courage, "the Cowardly Dog," is truly a very brave dog with a beautiful heart.

Have you ever watched the series? Did you like it or find it disturbing?

viernes, 2 de junio de 2023

Familymeal remember

 Hi Bloggers

Today I'd you to writte about a family meal remember. The family meal remember. The family meal I remember was in about December 2020, in a celebrating last chrismas whit my grandparents, at their house in Linares.

I remember that dinner with great tenderness. One of my uncles couldn't attend, but still, my parents, my Aunt Gaby, my Uncle Ricardo, and my cousin Matías enjoyed it a lot. The dinner was different, I don't even remember what I ate, but as usual, my grandmother was eager to open the presents before 11 o'clock. My grandfather, who lived his last years with advanced Alzheimer's, played along like a child.

It makes me nostalgic to remember my grandfather, whom I saw in his childlike form during his last years. He no longer recited poems or scolded me for not wearing shoes. We abruptly switched roles, and I remember that Christmas with love. I recall that there were "several" gifts, literally all of them addressed to them. I will never forget the expressions on his face as he received each gift, with his big and expressive eyes, and his thin and amazed face.

And well, my grandmother, so cheerful and lively, always so energetic and bossy, who amazed us being older than my grandfather. She also enjoyed each of her gifts, often more as a performance than a genuine surprise because somehow she always knew what she would be given. She had a gift, indeed, and the strangest and most elusive dreams too, hahaha.

From that dinner, what stands out the most is the last moment I shared with them in such a familiar setting. I loved seeing them so happy, pampered, and content. Beyond the material aspect of the occasion, I felt that this celebration was solely focused on them, on enjoying their company and distracting them from the depression of being elderly, dependent, and isolated due to the pandemic. Although I will always be grateful that, thanks to the lockdown, I was able to spend much more time with them and enjoy their presentation.

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023

Would like to visit

Hi FauBloggers

Today I writte about a country I would like to visit.  Thailand  

Thailand is definitely one of the countries I would love to visit as it impresses me with its contemporary and past culture.

To be honest, I would like to spend at least a year there to explore the natural areas, beaches, and ancient temples, as well as the bustling cities and how they contrast and coexist. It all seems very intriguing to me.

Something that would definitely be a motivation for me to go would be getting a tattoo and further diversifying my species sightings. Some time ago, I fell in love -within my fascination for insects- with what is considered the largest flying aquatic insect in the world, and as far as I know, it inhabits those areas. It would be amazing to be able to see it.

(insect of my heart)

This trip would definitely be done with my partner and friend since I know it would be a fascinating place for him as well, and I consider him a great travel and trekking companion -even more than me, haha-. And well, if I were to go alone, I wouldn't have a bad time either. Those who are afraid of being born shouldn't travel, haha.

And what about you? Do you like this destination? I'm listening. Cheers!

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

Last Weekend

Hi Bloggersfau 

Today I'd like you write about something you did last weekend. I actually had a real busy weekend, I'm travel to Linares, to my parents house.

I spent the weekend packing up and catching up on university, as during the week I moved house in Santiago. But I will tell you and what I ejoyed the most about this weekend -despite how busy it was-, was seeing my parents, friends and above all my dear animal friends, who live there.

I present to you the "herd" of which I'm a part jajaja, currently made up of five dogs and a cat, this herd has't always been made up in the same way, there are always beings that arrive -near the parentshouse they generally go to abandon dogs- or that they die, with the luck of being able to live in a home that cares for them, loves and feeds them, even if it is in the last stage of their lives.

En este primer video aparecen 'el flaco' (qepd), Sami y Loop, disfrutando una salida.

Nara has an obsession whit stones, here is a small video playing.

I really enjoyed being with them even though we weren't able to go out as usual, and even though this visit was sadder since the Flaco one wasn't there, I was able to play and pamper the others, each being the most difficult part of the goodbye, the uncertainty of seeing them again on my next trip.

viernes, 28 de abril de 2023

Favorite social page

Hi bloggersfau

Today I'm going to writte about the social page  I visit frequently in my cotidian by the instagram platafom. This feed called @mal.recorte, this is a profile of a collective of collagistas form the territory of Chile, who reside in different regions.

This porfile I met her throught a friend who participated in the  collective for years, she is form Chillán, but we met here in the post-pandemic Architecture Faculty. She's cool collagist

 Every week this plataform uploads a post called "Collage of the week" to make collage viable at the territorial level, and not only of the members the group, so they called on anyone who experienced collage under any technique, to upload their works with the hashtag #malrecorte, in order to repost them in this weekly post and increase the reach of various artists or creators,  It also has a political role seeking to democratize and diversify knowledge and experience.

She is an amazing collagist. She once told me about her participation in a collective, and when she showed me her Instagram, I became a big fan. I even listen to her podcast while working.

I like her because she has diverse content, a variety of techniques, purposes, and approaches. For me, she is a source of reference and inspiration many times.

created by collective:

viernes, 21 de abril de 2023

Childhood memories

Hi Bloggers

I haven't childhood memories of a particular vacation, but I can remember what those generated and experienced me being an only child an the youngest granddaughter at the time.

My family didn't vacation, my parents worked. We didn't have time or money to go for long days during the summer, many times the escapades of Santiago were a weekend in March or April.

I have happy and warm memories of vacations with my grandparents, my mom´s parents. They adopted me for this period, and if we weren't at their house in Santiago, we would go south to visit my uncle for weeks. 

I was remember my 6, I have my "first" phone, the nokia 1100, I felt cool, but it was really unic being able to talk to my parents.I also remember a weekends of finally February, waiting cold for the arrival in train, and that they always arrived whit some spectacular gift form the Station (a Condorito, alphabetsoup, magazine to paint or stikers).

I never had a bad chilhood summer, even if I shared only with adults, I laughed, played, I ate rich and played a lot. I liked to go see my uncle because I liked being able to have a phone, play in the ground, go to the river and beng the spoiled girl I will always thank my grandparents for so much shared experience and being such friends, I miss them always and not only in summer.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023


Hi Fau Bloggers,

Today I'd like to write about 2 photographs I like so much. One is a photo of mi first tattoo job that left me satisfied,  the 2nd a photo they took me out.

The first photo it's a photo of Ana with her first tattoo on her face, and my first tattoo job  on a face. I like this picture as I can remember, my first jobs in the tattoo art and in particular the first moment I felt completely satisfied with my job, overcoming past frustrations and fears (and presents sometimes jaja).

That day was amazing,  I made a friend we ate delicious seitan and I surpassed myself.

The second is a photo I took playing "pois" on the beach in Niebla, Valdivia. This picture was taken when we were hitchhiking in February 2022. Niebla for me it's a magical and important place, in this