viernes, 2 de junio de 2023

Familymeal remember

 Hi Bloggers

Today I'd you to writte about a family meal remember. The family meal remember. The family meal I remember was in about December 2020, in a celebrating last chrismas whit my grandparents, at their house in Linares.

I remember that dinner with great tenderness. One of my uncles couldn't attend, but still, my parents, my Aunt Gaby, my Uncle Ricardo, and my cousin Matías enjoyed it a lot. The dinner was different, I don't even remember what I ate, but as usual, my grandmother was eager to open the presents before 11 o'clock. My grandfather, who lived his last years with advanced Alzheimer's, played along like a child.

It makes me nostalgic to remember my grandfather, whom I saw in his childlike form during his last years. He no longer recited poems or scolded me for not wearing shoes. We abruptly switched roles, and I remember that Christmas with love. I recall that there were "several" gifts, literally all of them addressed to them. I will never forget the expressions on his face as he received each gift, with his big and expressive eyes, and his thin and amazed face.

And well, my grandmother, so cheerful and lively, always so energetic and bossy, who amazed us being older than my grandfather. She also enjoyed each of her gifts, often more as a performance than a genuine surprise because somehow she always knew what she would be given. She had a gift, indeed, and the strangest and most elusive dreams too, hahaha.

From that dinner, what stands out the most is the last moment I shared with them in such a familiar setting. I loved seeing them so happy, pampered, and content. Beyond the material aspect of the occasion, I felt that this celebration was solely focused on them, on enjoying their company and distracting them from the depression of being elderly, dependent, and isolated due to the pandemic. Although I will always be grateful that, thanks to the lockdown, I was able to spend much more time with them and enjoy their presentation.

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