viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023

Would like to visit

Hi FauBloggers

Today I writte about a country I would like to visit.  Thailand  

Thailand is definitely one of the countries I would love to visit as it impresses me with its contemporary and past culture.

To be honest, I would like to spend at least a year there to explore the natural areas, beaches, and ancient temples, as well as the bustling cities and how they contrast and coexist. It all seems very intriguing to me.

Something that would definitely be a motivation for me to go would be getting a tattoo and further diversifying my species sightings. Some time ago, I fell in love -within my fascination for insects- with what is considered the largest flying aquatic insect in the world, and as far as I know, it inhabits those areas. It would be amazing to be able to see it.

(insect of my heart)

This trip would definitely be done with my partner and friend since I know it would be a fascinating place for him as well, and I consider him a great travel and trekking companion -even more than me, haha-. And well, if I were to go alone, I wouldn't have a bad time either. Those who are afraid of being born shouldn't travel, haha.

And what about you? Do you like this destination? I'm listening. Cheers!

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow. That insect looks serious!!!!!

  2. This country is incredible, I would really like to go there and see the landscapes and eat the food 😋
