viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

Last Weekend

Hi Bloggersfau 

Today I'd like you write about something you did last weekend. I actually had a real busy weekend, I'm travel to Linares, to my parents house.

I spent the weekend packing up and catching up on university, as during the week I moved house in Santiago. But I will tell you and what I ejoyed the most about this weekend -despite how busy it was-, was seeing my parents, friends and above all my dear animal friends, who live there.

I present to you the "herd" of which I'm a part jajaja, currently made up of five dogs and a cat, this herd has't always been made up in the same way, there are always beings that arrive -near the parentshouse they generally go to abandon dogs- or that they die, with the luck of being able to live in a home that cares for them, loves and feeds them, even if it is in the last stage of their lives.

En este primer video aparecen 'el flaco' (qepd), Sami y Loop, disfrutando una salida.

Nara has an obsession whit stones, here is a small video playing.

I really enjoyed being with them even though we weren't able to go out as usual, and even though this visit was sadder since the Flaco one wasn't there, I was able to play and pamper the others, each being the most difficult part of the goodbye, the uncertainty of seeing them again on my next trip.

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