viernes, 28 de abril de 2023

Favorite social page

Hi bloggersfau

Today I'm going to writte about the social page  I visit frequently in my cotidian by the instagram platafom. This feed called @mal.recorte, this is a profile of a collective of collagistas form the territory of Chile, who reside in different regions.

This porfile I met her throught a friend who participated in the  collective for years, she is form Chillán, but we met here in the post-pandemic Architecture Faculty. She's cool collagist

 Every week this plataform uploads a post called "Collage of the week" to make collage viable at the territorial level, and not only of the members the group, so they called on anyone who experienced collage under any technique, to upload their works with the hashtag #malrecorte, in order to repost them in this weekly post and increase the reach of various artists or creators,  It also has a political role seeking to democratize and diversify knowledge and experience.

She is an amazing collagist. She once told me about her participation in a collective, and when she showed me her Instagram, I became a big fan. I even listen to her podcast while working.

I like her because she has diverse content, a variety of techniques, purposes, and approaches. For me, she is a source of reference and inspiration many times.

created by collective:

viernes, 21 de abril de 2023

Childhood memories

Hi Bloggers

I haven't childhood memories of a particular vacation, but I can remember what those generated and experienced me being an only child an the youngest granddaughter at the time.

My family didn't vacation, my parents worked. We didn't have time or money to go for long days during the summer, many times the escapades of Santiago were a weekend in March or April.

I have happy and warm memories of vacations with my grandparents, my mom´s parents. They adopted me for this period, and if we weren't at their house in Santiago, we would go south to visit my uncle for weeks. 

I was remember my 6, I have my "first" phone, the nokia 1100, I felt cool, but it was really unic being able to talk to my parents.I also remember a weekends of finally February, waiting cold for the arrival in train, and that they always arrived whit some spectacular gift form the Station (a Condorito, alphabetsoup, magazine to paint or stikers).

I never had a bad chilhood summer, even if I shared only with adults, I laughed, played, I ate rich and played a lot. I liked to go see my uncle because I liked being able to have a phone, play in the ground, go to the river and beng the spoiled girl I will always thank my grandparents for so much shared experience and being such friends, I miss them always and not only in summer.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023


Hi Fau Bloggers,

Today I'd like to write about 2 photographs I like so much. One is a photo of mi first tattoo job that left me satisfied,  the 2nd a photo they took me out.

The first photo it's a photo of Ana with her first tattoo on her face, and my first tattoo job  on a face. I like this picture as I can remember, my first jobs in the tattoo art and in particular the first moment I felt completely satisfied with my job, overcoming past frustrations and fears (and presents sometimes jaja).

That day was amazing,  I made a friend we ate delicious seitan and I surpassed myself.

The second is a photo I took playing "pois" on the beach in Niebla, Valdivia. This picture was taken when we were hitchhiking in February 2022. Niebla for me it's a magical and important place, in this