viernes, 7 de julio de 2023


 Hi FauBloggers

Today I write about my experience whit my blog.  

I really enjoyed creating my blog, I think I enjoyed the topics and being able to address subjects of my interest or memories. To be honest, the only post that I didn't enjoy writing at all was "evaluate the BBC Learning English Website," although it was entertaining to explore the platform.

Among my favorite blogs from the course is Professor Simmon's blog. My favorite post is the one from April 14th, and I believe it's one of the posts I enjoyed the most. While searching for images, it brought back many beautiful and often forgotten memories.

Undoubtedly, these activities have improved my English to some extent, although there is still a lot to practice and refine. I feel that my reading comprehension has improved significantly, and I've expanded my vocabulary. I've also improved a bit in dealing with the frustration of not being able to express my ideas in a language that sometimes makes me feel quite alien. However, the classroom environment motivates me to continue learning and absorbing this useful knowledge.

I really liked the blogging experience, which I hadn't really had before. It allowed me to express myself freely and touch on topics I enjoy. Reading my classmates' blogs and finding similarities was amusing. It was funny to discover that two of my classmates shared the same fondness for Courage the Cowardly Dog. I would have liked to feel more comfortable with my vocabulary knowledge, but I believe that time will integrate it more and more.

Fortunately, I didn't have to write about my speaking experience because... disappointment, haha!


Hi bloggersFau! today 


Unit 11: Session 3, Activity 3: Pronunciation Workout

To talk about life using the present perfect, try out this pronunciation workout where you get to listen and repeat some key words and phrases.

Listen to the audio.

This is a pronunciation activity where you warm up by practicing "has" or "have" using an audio exercise.


Unit 24: Session 2, Activity 3: 6-Minute Grammar

In this activity, they explain in 6 minutes, through a podcast-style conversation, what it is, how to use it, and...


Introduction to the Sounds of English: 5 Days to Improve Your Speaking - Day 2: Vocabulary


6-Minute English: How Culture Affects Sadness

In this podcast-style audio, the hosts discuss and bring up an important topic, providing a wide range of vocabulary, which is further explained in detail.


Fake News, Facts and Fiction: Session 3, Activity 1: The Danger of Fake News

I find this episode very interesting.

In this episode, we examine the word 'information' and hear some examples of when fake news has had tragic consequences.